• 'For an hour and a quarter you forget you have Parkinson’s.'

  • 'Something almost miraculous happens when Parkinson’s patients dance to music'

  • 'One walks away from a session uplifted and with a strong feeling that there is, after all, life beyond Parkinson’s.'

Our vision

In old age, people should maintain a high quality of life, where the effects of age-related health conditions are diminished and delayed for as long as possible. We aim to combat the inactivity, monotony and loneliness that intensify the effects of age-related health conditions in many older people. We aim to enable them to maintain their independence for longer, while delaying the need for more intensive and costly health and social care interventions.

Our mission

We aim to help older people with age-related health conditions to improve and maintain their physical and mental health. We do this by offering regular dance, music and movement sessions that employ activities where there is robust scientific and clinical evidence of a proven beneficial effect. We will:

  • Ensure that sessions are designed and led by artists with specific training in music and dance for older people.

  • Work with local community and support groups and national charities that focus on age-related health conditions to identify and recruit those most in need of our activities.

  • Design our session to be fun, social, inclusive and accessible so that those in need of support are eager and able to engage.

  • Maintain close links with clinicians, researchers and professional therapists in order to ensure we are following current best practice.

  • Create stimulating and creative opportunities for older people to experience and be involved in arts, in particular dance and music.

  • MuMo Creative offers evidence-based movement, music and storytelling sessions to promote physical, mental, emotional and cognitive wellbeing.

Our approach

Our approach combines sound, vocal work and live music with dance and creative movement, as well as targeted functional movement practices for strength, mobility and balance. We also incorporate breathwork and mindfulness practices in our work, and always tailor our sessions around stories or themes.

Our music and movement sessions offer a fantastic form of activity, providing physical, mental and social benefits. Regular participation can strengthen muscles, improve joint mobility, balance, posture and gait, and can keep the heart healthy and happy. In addition, the sessions can help maintain mental and cognitive wellbeing. Learning and repeating routines and movements can improve memory functions, while the creative element of dance can help maintain problem-solving and decision-making skills, and provides a way to express emotions and feelings, which is especially helpful when means of communication are impaired. Sound, vocal work, breath and mindfulness techniques further support mental wellbeing and offer tools for stress release. We use stories and themes - such as a classic novel, or the work of a great scientist - and support them with live music and voice. This helps embody movement qualities, boost expression and imagination, release stress and promote emotional well-being, as well as being educational. Our sessions are effective and inclusive, and follow the latest research on the impact of movement, music, mindfulness, meditation and creativity on our physical and mental wellbeing.
